
Behavioral and ABA Therapy Services

Quality Behavior and ABA Services in Boca Raton

What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?

ABA therapy is the practice of applying the psychological principles of learning theory in a systematic way to modify behavior. Through observation, we gather data and customize a plan based on your child’s unique needs and circumstances. Our goal is to target behavioral difficulties through the use of implemented behavior modifications and data analysis. This ensures that the child acquires the necessary skills to achieve their highest potential.

ABA therapy is highly effective in children with special needs, such as those with autism or ADHD. That’s why, We specialize in special needs therapy, among our other services.

Our Services

Our program is designed to affect a desired change in a child's behavior. We use ABA to increase skills in language, play, and socialization while at the same time decreasing or eliminating behaviors that could interfere with a child's development. Our ABA therapies are applied on a one-to-one format with individualized goals that will be reevaluated as the child reaches these targets. Each child will receive a functional behavior, language, and learning assessment which will assess the child across multiple skill sets, and daily living skills. An individualized program will be designed by the lead analyst to ensure that your child is receiving the most effective interventions for the child's development. We also use ABA to treat speech and language, occupational, and physical barriers.

Let us help you help your child!

handprints and heart in paint

ABA in Center, Home, Community, and School

We provide ABA services to assist with whatever your child needs. Every service we provide is uniquely tailored to each child. We can provide services where they are most needed, whether it helps bringing your child to the grocery store, attending in school, or daily living skills at home. You’ll find that our programs are highly flexible to ensure we provide your child with the best possible outcomes.

children holding hands in a field

Social Skills Groups

We provide weekly social groups to help your child develop meaningful relationships with peers. These groups create scenarios your child will encounter in the real world and help them to navigate and engage in social scenarios appropriately. A licensed therapist closely monitors each group to ensure safety and that each child is utilizing the appropriate pediatric therapy techniques.

mother with children preparing sandwiches in the kitchen

Parent Training

Parents are the most important part of their child’s development, which is why we strongly encourage parental involvement in therapy. We invite parents to be a part of their children’s sessions regularly. This helps to create continuity in therapy. In addition, our pediatric therapists support parents by helping them learn how to apply the therapeutic techniques their children are learning at home.

babies playing on tablet

Early Intervention Programs

The earlier ABA is started when a diagnosis is given, the more your child has the opportunity to learn. Our BCBAs have experience working with young children and creating unique programs to help your child reach those early milestones.

Individuals We Serve:

Children, adolescents, and young adults under the age of 21 who may be experiencing:

  • Behavioral Health Conditions and Disorders

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Intellectual Disabilities

  • ADHD

  • Oppositional Defiance Disorder or Mental Disorders

  • Down Syndrome

  • Developmental Delay

  • Cerebral Palsy

Request an Appointment Today

If you’re interested in trying behavioral or ABA therapy in Boca Raton for your child, don’t hesitate to fill out the form below and request an appointment with us. Our licensed pediatric behavioral therapists are here to help and provide support.

Request an Appointment